Friday, March 8, 2013

A Little Fitness

Well I haven't written much on the fitness part of my journey and its become a big part. I never really  loved going to the gym. It was hard to get there and I would much rather be sitting watching Chopped or Project Runway while I was snacking on Nachos (which by the way I did on a nightly basis.) And when I did go it was more of a chat sess then anything. My Husband started going regularly while I was pregnant with Hayze and He was so dedicated it motivated me. But didn't kick in until a year later. When I did go I would only ran on the treadmill and do little weights. I think I was worried I was going to pop into a huge muscle manly woman. But that's just not the case. It takes a lot of hard work to build muscle mass.
     I did some research and talked to a lot of people who were in the fitness industry. I came up with a plan. I had to eat right and get my booty to the gym. Ive been going every day for about two months and now I do very little cardio and lots of weight training. Its been tough to put any kind of size on my body but I have seen improvement which helps me to keep going.
      Adding strength training to your workouts is a great way to burn calories. I learned lifting increases your BMC (Basal Metabolic Rate) causing you to burn more through out your day verses cardio. Also if you are running on a full belly its burning off whats in your stomach rather then your other areas. I have a really hard time running or doing carido with an empty tummy. So I was thrilled to be able to eat lift and still burn.
              Its taken me till up to a few weeks ago to actually Love getting up at 5:30 and heading into the cold to go sweat with a bunch of strangers. But now I wake up and look forward to seeing those dedicated people and driving while every one is still asleep. Its like I get to see the world wake up. Trust me I still have those days where its harder then others but when I get in my car and turn on my tunes I'm glad I didn't give up. Here is my workout routine that I do. Hope it helps.

Mon-Thurs legs
leg press 3 sets of 10
Leg extensions 3 sets of 10
lunges with weights 3 sets of 10
leg curls 3 sets of 10
dead lifts 3 sets of 10
calves with weight 3 sets of 10

Incline press 3 sets of 10
flat bench dumbbells 3 sets of 10
incline flys 3 sets of 10
Military press 3 sets of 10
standing lateral 3 sets of ten
bent over lateral 3 sets of 10
over head dumbbells 3 sets of 10
kick backs 3 sets of 10

Wed -Sat
Pull downs 3 sets of 10
long pull 3 sets of 10
close grip pull downs 3 sets of 10
upright row 3 sets of 10
shrugs with weights 3 sets of 10
standing barbell 3 sets of 10
dumbbell curls 3 sets of 10

    Now when I first did this I had to look on the Internet to see what half  of these things even were. On my paper I drew little pictures of how to do some of the exercise. Don't feel dumb about asking for help I still do!!

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