Tuesday, April 2, 2013


While there finally up! I had to down load an app to my phone then my Husband had them on here in like 2 secs! First I just want to start off by saying please only leave positive comments. This is an uplifting and motivating blog. No haters please.These pictures are around 8 months after my second child. I had been eating clean for about a month and lost almost ten pounds in that four weeks from changing the way I ate. And that may not be a lot to some but to me I was thrilled. I weighed around 130 and my body fat was around 27 percent. I now weigh 112 and have 16 percent body fat.  I wish I would of taken a picture when I very first started but at that point I had no plans of what has transpired. Through this all I have fallen in love with fitness and helping others a long the way.  

I work my abs 6 days a week. They are regenerative muscles so you don't need to wait in between days to work them. As I look at the pictures I get excited for whats to come. I'm no where near where I would like to be but am on my way. And ladies If you can dream it, believe it then you can achieve it!! And always keep in mind success is a journey! Now lets do this!!! 


  1. Way to go! You're doing amazing and looking great! So proud of you :)

  2. Your body is perfection! Way to go Awnaliese!!

  3. Kaylee and Fawn Thank you gals so much!!

  4. Your abs are looking great! Keep us posted on them!

  5. So I love your blog! After having baby #2 almost 4 months ago I am ready to tone my body up! Almost back to pre pregnancy weight but my body needs some major help. I want to try eating clean/lifting but have no idea where to even start! I feel like I go to the gym but have no idea how to really work out! Would you be interested in maybe giving me some tips?! Email me at candicebethmuir@yahoo if you ever get some extra time! :)
