Friday, January 11, 2013

Lets get started

OK now I've had a lot of people ask me what I've done and how to start eating clean. This is one of the Major reasons why I have started this blog. First let me tell you what eating clean consists of. It's really pretty easy. Fruits, veggies, whole grains, complex carbs and lean meats. You'll want to stay away from soda, fatty foods and sugar.
              When I first started I was scared out of my mind. I was so worried what I would eat. I thought I would starve without my sugary cereal and Twinkies! I once watched a documentary about processed foods. And they said something that has stuck with me. America is one of the most obese countries, yet every one is starving! When I first heard this I was so confused how could this be possible. The reason behind this is that So many of us are eating unhealthy foods  that are so yummy but are filled with chemicals, salts and are high in sugar. So we're not getting any of the nutrients our bodies are dying to have. There for our bodies think we're still hungry.
     It took me a few Weeks to realize healthy food Can be just as tasty and much more filling. This is one of the first clean recipes I ever tried. I'm a green smoothie freak now and have one every day! I know at first putting spinach or kale in a drink is kinda weird but you cant even taste it!

1 Banana
A hand full of spinach
1 cup frozen sugar free pineapple
1/2 cup plain  Greek yogurt
a few ice cubs
1 cup almond milk

1 comment:

  1. I have been really interested in eating clean, so I'm excited to start following your blog. In fact, I am going to make my first green smoothie right now! Also, I have a question for you. Why do you use almond milk instead of regular skim milk? Thanks for the inspiration!!
    Natalie Dalpias
